I attended Abia state university and I entered with high hopes. I saw American movies and felt those were the norms; the norms I was going to meet in the Nigerian school system—How I thought whatever happened in America applied here was amazing— and Abia state University for that matter?

We all know the rude shock our school system gives us; how that we learn with manuals that our lecturers lecturer used and passed down to him like some holy relic; how that we can't  hear the lecturer  because the hall is too full, or that, we  can't possibly pass exams because we can't relate with what they are teaching (which the lecturers don't care about), and have lost all enthusiasm and motivation to even put the effort to read before the exams. 

Let's not talk about the dilapidated buildings and lab equipment that make it almost impossible to be a science student, at best what you become is a glorified chemist, mixing things you don't know its use. All these are reasons why we should give up on school...


School was meant to instill in us the independent ability to solve problems, process thoughts critically, widen our world view, enrichen our scope of what's possible and form us into humane and civil beings.

We can't deny that most of the things some of us learnt today we learnt them from school; maybe not due to the curriculum, but because of the environment. The schooling environment (people and content) has influenced most of us; it served as the street for some of us.

Have you heard about Nigerians that travel to the abroad' and all of a suddenly they blow? I mean, that Segun guy that had a 3rd class upper (if there is anything like that) just travels to Indonesia and comes first overall? Ha!!! Is It juju? Is that why we can scam them oyinbo folks easily?

No! It's the Nigerian system.

It subjects you to the extreme of conditions that when you go to a system that is balanced, you thirve. You learn how to multitask, you learn how to learn independently,  you learn problem solving and critical thinking. I mean, how you even survive a school with almost no respect to time, with academic activities bumping into you at will—I mean, guy, you gotta coordinate oh.

School gives you the opportunity to network; you meet people who ultimately contribute to your life for a long time. And we cannot deny that we have learnt things from the defunct academic structure? Like basic tools for communicating, logic, social engagement, how to count money, how to respect your elder etc.

What a smart person should do is to use what they have to get what they want. This means, learn all you can from the environment, let the environment aid you; and this would be possible if you really know what you want—if you have clarity as to where you are going, you would know the right influences to allow and how the environment should influence you.

The best way to enjoy a Nigerian school is to first know what you really want to do, and go and study exactly that. You would enjoy the knowledge and find it's relevance because there would be passion to help you focus on the glory and ignore the troubles that come with schooling.

You dey feel me?

PS: The picture above is not related in anyway to the post. I just thought you should see a part my library. ๐Ÿ˜Œ


  1. I feel ya!!
    Thank you PeeTee..๐Ÿ˜Š
    By the way ,I'm stealing books on your bookshelf๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ˜Œ

  2. Awwwn ����
    This is so niceeee❤️❤️Peetee
    Well done Sir

  3. That's someone's father writing!!! I love this piece Papa! One amongst the many great pieces you've given out!

  4. Awww peetee I love this article ...
    It's really nice

  5. Las- las "school" no be scam. The school "system" which depends on location, people and nation can be somewhat "scam", but not the concept of "school". We get to know what we want, and we get it out of "school" and thrive, despite the school "system". School no be scam. I dey feel you sir.

    A part of your Library is interesting by the way๐Ÿ˜.

  6. Very true write up... Thank you sir

  7. Thank you Ptee ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿพ


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